HCP Staffings Services And Benefits
Competitive salary:
We take pride in the fact that we pay competitive salaries for our healthcare workers compared to other staffing agencies.
NCLEX Support:
For prospective healthcare professionals who are planning to give Next Generation NCLEX, we are here to support you to get through the rigorous exam with flying colors. We have accumulated more than 40 years of teaching experience between our tutors in giving the standardized tests.
Paid Leave & Holidays:
We take good good care of our employees by understanding their need to spend time with their families and importance of taking a break from hard working life. Do not worry, we will pay you to enjoy your life as well.
Immigration Support and Sponsorship:
HCP Staffings family is comprised of international nurses; thus we understand the importance of immigration and sponsorship play in deciding which agency to pursue for an international nursing career. With a partnership with renowned hospitals, we sponsor F1 visas. Upon NCLEX graduation, we reimburse all your NCLEX examination costs, including transportation and accommodation. We are also committed to providing transportation for you along with necessary expenses and assisting your family (children and spouses) in settling in the USA.
Transition Program:
We know how it feels when you are in a foreign land. It is overwhelming to all your senses. To make the transition smooth, we not only match your experiences and personality for the appropriate nursing position to your preferred geographical location and ensure that someone from your native country is always there to answer your questions and welcome you. One goal is to make you confident and independent by the end of our transition program, that includes assisting you with getting a driver's license and providing relevant information and helpful tips that we have gathered over the last two decades living and working as an international nurse.
Financial compensation:
Besides providing a competitive pay package including one month of free accommodation and living expenses, 401K retirement plan, paid orientation, paid time off, and comprehensive insurance including medical, dental, vision, and disability insurance, most notably when you join HCP Staffings, you are already a part of the family.
NCLEX Bonus:
As a new grad we'll offer you a $1,000 NCLEX bonus paid at the start of your assignment in addition to U.S. licensure reimbursement. *Applies only to International and F1-Nurses.
Housing and Accommodation:
We help you find your first place to live or provide native host sponsorship and provide 30-days free accommodation in the U.S. Before you begin your first assignment in the USA, we will boost your confidence, provide you with valuable tips to adjust culturally, among others while receiving an orientation fee. *Applies only to International nurses.